Borderlands 2 level 72 save
Borderlands 2 level 72 save

borderlands 2 level 72 save

Balancing the whole system of damage in the game, it will be balanced and reasonable throughout the process from level 1 UVHM to level 72 will surprise you with a large percentage. The system of venders and dials also increases the amount of good weapons. Greatly increase the drop rate and open treasure chests for good items.Instead of 3 times of completing the main sequence, you should start with level 1 UVHM save file you can download it from this mod.Do not change the stats of weapons and skill trees so as not to lose the original of the game (there are only a few minor changes to correct the errors of glitch damage).Reduce boredom and no longer a farming game only, now the game ami to shoot and killing, reducing the RPG that makes you spend too much time, instead enjoying the action.

borderlands 2 level 72 save

Borderlands2.exe was hex changed for 200 slots inventory, max lvl 72, enable console.I was delete some things and add rework some to complete and balance everything added. Unpacked MOD pack summarize interesting things from reborn, UCP, and so much single mod versions from the directory on github BLCMods.

Borderlands 2 level 72 save